Tuesday, September 2, 2014

COMEDK UGET 2015 Application Form

Apply online for the COMEDK UGET 2015 entrance exam. Candidates must ensure eligibility before applying.
·         Online Application of COMEDK UGET link will be active in March 2015.

Candidates are advised to go through the instructions carefully before filling up the online application form.
Reference Link

Please note the application fee being collected along with the online application form is towards meeting the expenses for conduct of the test, counseling and other incidental expenses.
Please note – Details of COMEDK UGET 2015 Application Form will be available in Feb 2015. The details given here are as per last year’s information published by COMEDK. The information is only for the reference of students who will be appearing in COMEDK 2015. This page is being updated at regular intervals. As soon as COMEDK UGET 2015 details are published officially, it will be updated here. 
Send the Application in A4 size envelope only. Do not fold the application form.
Note: Please ensure that you have the following documents ready at hand before you start filling up the Online Application Form.
1.    Demand Draft (drawn from the nationalized banks in favour of “COMEDK” payable at Bangalore. Refer Annexure I for the list of Nationalized Banks)
2.    10th Standard Marks card / School Leaving Certificate indicating the candidate’s Date of Birth (required for the date of birth verification).
3.    SC/ST/OBC or Minority Certificates (Religious/Linguistic) if any.
·         Demand Draft has to be drawn from the nationalized banks in favour of “COMEDK” (check for the correct spelling), payable at Bangalore (DD must be payable at Bangalore only).  Rs.1200/- for 3 Subjects (PCB or PCM) i.e. MBBS/BDS or B.E. and Rs.1500/- for 4 subjects (PCMB) i.e. MBBS/BDS and B.E.
·         Check for the banker’s signature on the Demand Draft before sending to COMEDK.
·         Ensure that the online application form is filled up properly and completely with all relevant details.
·         After re-verifying the details entered, then click on SUBMIT BUTTON.
·         Kindly make a note of the application number as displayed in the application form. (6 digits number)
·         The candidates need to take a printout of the online application form along with the online study certificate requiring attestation by the head of the institution last studied (as prescribed by COMEDK).
·         Verify the details before taking the printout of the Online Application Form and the online study certificate requiring attestation by the head of the institution last studied (as prescribed by COMEDK).
·         Demand Drafts drawn from the nationalized banks in excess of the prescribed fee (Rs.1200/- or Rs. 1500/-) if sent by the candidatewill not be refunded.
·         Non refundable fee for taking COMEDK UGET and attending centralized counseling if eligible is Rs. 1200/- or Rs. 1500/-.
·         Candidates who send Rs.1500/- DD for the Entrance Test but have marked or opted for only 3 subjects (PCM/PCB) would be allowed only for the same 3 subjects as indicated by them.
·         Candidates who send Rs.1200/- DD for the Entrance Test but have marked or opted for 4 subjects (PCMB – i.e., both) would be REJECTED.
·         Kindly stick your recent (not older than six months) passport size colour photograph only in the space provided (all the photos must be identical). Application Form with smudged / tampered / hazy photograph will be rejected.
·         Do not staple or pin the photograph on the application form or in the online study certificate requiring attestation by the head of the institution last studied (as prescribed by COMEDK).
·         Please adhere to the time schedule enlisted in the Calendar of Events.
·         Incomplete / incorrect applications are liable TO BE REJECTED without prior information to the candidate.
·         Multiple application forms received from the same candidate will result in confusion and may result in disqualification.
·         COMEDK is not responsible for any error the candidate makes while filling up the Application Form.
·         No change request on the application data will be accepted; hence candidates are cautioned to be careful while filling the application.
·         COMEDK will not entertain any changes in the application form and no refund will be made.
·         COMEDK is not responsible for any loss / delay / damage which might occur during Postal or Courier delivery.
·         Any application received after the last date mentioned in the Calendar of Events will be rejected.
·         Completed application forms will not be received in person either in COMEDK office or any member institution.
Demand Draft has to be drawn from the nationalized bank in favour of “COMEDK” (check for the correct spelling), payable at Bangalore (DD must be payable at Bangalore only).  Rs.1200/- (One Thousand Two Hundred Only) for 3 subjects (PCB or PCM) i.e. MBBS/BDS or B.E and Rs.1500/- (One Thousand Five Hundred Only) for 4 subjects (PCMB) i.e. MBBS/BDS and B.E. Application number, applicant’s name & contact number to be written at the back of the Demand Draft. Check for the banker’s signature on the Demand Draft.Demand Draft from any bank other than the Banks listed in the Annexure -I will not be accepted.
Printed Online Application Form
Printed online study certificate (as prescribed by COMEDK) requiring attestation by the head of the institution last studied(12th std / 2nd PUC).
Photocopy of 10th Standard Marks Card or School Leaving Certificate indicating the candidate’s Date of Birth.
Candidates belonging to SC, ST and OBC of Karnataka would be considered, provided they furnish the Photocopy of the following Certificates obtained on or before submission of their application:
SC / ST: Caste Certificate issued by competent authority (Authorised to issue such a certificate but not below the rank of a Tahsildar)
OBC: Category I, IIA, IIB, IIIA and IIIB: As notified by the Karnataka Govt. Caste and Income Certificate issued by Tahsildar or higher revenue jurisdictional authority authorised to issue such a certificate.
MINORITY: Religious (Christian) of All India / Linguistic (Tulu/Telugu/Konkani) of Karnataka minority candidates to produce certificate as per Annexure – IV of Brochure obtained on or before submission of their application (available on www.comedk.org).
Candidates who have not produced appropriate supporting documents for claiming the status of Religious / Linguistic Minority or (SC / ST / OBC candidates of Karnataka) will be rejected.
Application form without any of the above mandatory documents will be rejected. 
Note: Avoid stapling of Demand Draft to the application form. Instead use clips.
Note: The recent passport size photographs have to be identical. It should not be more than 6 months old. Application with smudged/tampered or hazy photograph will not be accepted. Any application received not adhering to these specifications will be rejected without any clarifications and no refund will be made. The decision of the COMEDK Committee on this would be final and binding.
Executive Secretary – COMEDK, # 132, Second Floor, 11th Main, 17th Cross
Malleswaram, Bangalore-560 055, Karnataka.
The completed Application Form has to reach the COMEDK office by Speed Post or Courier on or before last date to the following Address.
The Executive Secretary – COMEDK,
# 132, Second Floor,
11th Main, 17th Cross,
Bangalore – 560055,
Explanation of the fields that needs to be filled up in the COMEDK UGET Application Form
1. Name of the Applicant
Enter your full Name (as it appears in your SSLC / 10th Std Marks Card)
Eg: In your 10th Std Marks card if your name is mentioned as Santosh G mention the same in your application form. 
2. Date of Birth
Provide your date of birth in DD/MM/YYYY format only as in SSLC/10th Std Marks Card.
For e.g.:  If your date of birth is 3rd September 1991, fill as 03/09/1991.
3. Gender
Select the appropriate option.
4. Parent’s Annual Income:
Parent’s Annual Income should be specified.
5. Father’s Name
Enter your Father’s name.
6. Mother’s Name
Enter your Mother’s name.
7. Course Applying for
For e.g.:  If you intend to apply for MBBS/BDS, select MBBS/BDS, if you intend to apply for BE, select BE, if you intend to apply for both (MBBS/BDS & B.E.) then select ‘Both’.
8. Test Location Choice
Please select the city/town of your choice, where you wish to take up your entrance examination.
For e.g.:  If you wish to take up the exam in Bangalore, select Bangalore from the list of test locations.
9. Nationality
Select your nationality as Indian.
10. Belongs to
Select the type of Domicile Karnataka / Non-Karnataka.
By Birth/Domicile
If Karnataka, Select type of Domicile i.e. By Birth / By Domicile.
For consideration into Karnataka category, the domicile rules of the Government of Karnataka will be strictly followed.
·         Being a citizen of India If you belong to Karnataka by birth / domicile and have schooling for a minimum period of SEVEN academic years commencing from 1st to 2nd PUC / 12th Standard as on 1st July of the year in which the Entrance Test is held and must have passed either SSLC / 10th Standard or 2nd PUC / 12th Standard or equivalent qualifying examination from Karnataka State. In case of the candidate who had taken more than one year to pass a class or standard, the years of academic study is counted as one year only.
·         Indian Citizens of Karnataka origin, who have studied and passed both 1st and 2nd year PUC or 11th and 12th standard examination within the State of Karnataka from an Educational Institution run or recognized by the State Government. And either of the parents should have studied in an educational institution of Karnataka for a minimum period of SEVEN years. Such candidates have to produce certificates issued by the competent authority to show that he /she or his/her parent (Father / Mother) has been a resident of Karnataka State as per Annexure – III and study certificate/s against their claim.This is in accordance with the Government Notification in No. ED 10 TEC 2006, dated 28th February 2006, issued under the Karnataka Educational Institutions (Prohibition of Capitation Fee) Act, 1984 (Karnataka Act 37 of 1984). If you do not fall into the above two categories please select Non-Karnataka
11. Category
Select the Category you belong to GM / SC / ST / OBC (SC, ST and OBC applicable to Karnataka origin candidate/s only as per Government of Karnataka (GOK) rules.)
If OBC, Select CAT 1, CAT 2A, CAT 2B, CAT 3A and CAT 3B. (Applicable to Karnataka origin candidate/s only as per Government of Karnataka (GOK) rules.)
Minority Status:
For Karnataka (By Birth / Domicile) Candidates
Select “Yes” to claim the Minority status Religious (Christian) or Linguistic (Telugu / Tulu / Konkani) or else select “No”.
For Non-Karnataka Candidates 
Select “Yes” to claim the Christian Religious status or else select “No”.
Linguistic Minority:
Select Tulu / Telugu / Konkani to seek admission in the institution who has declared themselves as Linguistic Minority. (Applicable to Karnataka Candidates only)
Religious Minority:
Candidates who are Christian by religion have to select Christian to seek admission in the institution who has declared themselves as Religious Minority. (Applicable to all India Candidates)
Candidates (Christian) belonging to the State of Karnataka are only eligible in the first round of counseling. However in the event of any vacancy in the second round (Minority round) the candidate belonging to the religious minority (Christian) from other State also would be eligible.
Candidates seeking admission under minority status should have secured not less than 50% (in case of Medical) and 45% (in case of Engineering) just as General Merit candidates.
Note: Appropriate minority status (Linguistic / Religious or Both) of the candidate should be indicated with supportive document along with the application form failing which he/she will not be eligible to select a seat under the said minority quota.
Candidates who have not produced appropriate supporting documents for claiming the status of Religious / Linguistic Minority or (SC / ST / OBC candidates of Karnataka) will be rejected.
·         Minority status is applicable to candidates for admission to respective minority status colleges only.
·         (*) Declaration once made in the application with regard to the category status like GM, (SC / ST / OBC of Karnataka) and Minority etc., will not be changed subsequently under any circumstances. The candidates are cautioned to fill in the application form with great care about the category status.
·         (*) Application forms without duly attested SC/ST/OBC (of Karnataka) and Minority Certificates shall be rejected.
·         (*) If the category status (SC/ST/OBC of Karnataka and Minority) if any, is not mentioned in the application form but the certificates for the same is attached the changes of the category based on the certificates will not be done.
·         If the category certificate is different and exclusive, such of the candidate shall submit not only the category certificate but also the caste and Income certificate issued by competent authority.
(*) Note:
i) The candidates whose application are rejected but who wish to reapply can fill up a fresh application with all the required documents along with the new Demand Draft and submit the same on or before the last date for making the application. The earlier sent Demand Draft (if any) will be returned to the candidate/s by speed post after the last date of the application receipt.
ii) All the completed applications have to reach COMEDK office on or before last date any applications received after the last date WILL NOT BE PROCESSED AT ALL.
12. Address
Provide your Permanent address and also the address for correspondence in the space given. All formal communications from COMEDK will be sent to you at the address given as correspondence address only. Please use blank spaces to separate words.
Do not mention your City, State and Pin code in the address field.
13. City
Select the city from the list. If you are from any other city that is not listed in the table, select “Others” in the list and fill in your city name in the space provided (The city mentioned has to be same for the address mentioned in the address column).
14. State
Select the State from the list (The State mentioned has to be same for the address mentioned in the address column).
15. PIN Code
Enter the appropriate 6-digit PIN code.
16. Phone No.
Enter your Phone number with the relevant STD Code, use zero prefixed to the STD code and do not leave any blank spaces between the STD code and your telephone number.
For e.g.: If your STD code is 080 and your telephone number is 12345678, then your full telephone number will be 08012345678.
17. Mobile No.
Enter your Mobile number.
Note: Any one of the contact detail is mandatory.
18. Email-ID (Mandatory)
Enter your Email ID for speedy correspondence.
19. Name of the Institution last studied
Enter the name of the Institution you have last studied in the space provided (i.e. 12th std or 2nd PUC). It should be the same as per the online study certificate issued by the concerned Head of the Institution last studied (as prescribed by COMEDK).
20. Place of the Institution last studied
Enter the Place of the Institution last Studied in the space provided.
21. Year of passing
Select the year of passing (i.e. 12th std or 2nd PUC).
22. Number of Attempt in COMEDK UGET Entrance Exam:
Please enter no. of attempt; you have appeared for COMEDK UGET.
23. Result:
Select whether appeared for counseling / Seat selected /Seat Surrendered.
24. Demand Draft Details
DD No.: Enter the six-digit DD number drawn from nationalized bank.
DD Date: Select the DD Date in DD/MM/YYYY format only.
Drawee Bank: Select the drawee bank from the list. (Only Nationalized Banks)as mentioned in Annexure I.
The candidate and the candidate’s parent / guardian must both sign the declaration in the spaces provided for the same in the application form. The Date and Place must also be filled up in the application form.
Any application form without the signature and left forefinger impressions of the candidate and signature of the parent/guardian is liable to be rejected, without further correspondence.
Note: Status of all Applications received will be available on COMEDK website. Candidates are advised to check the status of their applications on the website through Applicant Login by providing their Application No. and Date of Birth.
Note: Applications will not be received in person either in the COMEDK office or by any member institutions.

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